Month: February 2009

Installing Aptana Studio 1.2 on Ubuntu 8.10 x86

I’m using Aptana Studio for some PHP/RoR/Python web development and I have Win XP x64 on a Rock xtreme64 D900K but my Sony Vaio TX3 uses Ubuntu (Compiz Fusion is irresistible). To keep the development environments the same I’ve created an Ubuntu guest virtual machine (VM) for PHP work on the Win XP host machine. Aptana is easy to install under Windows but it’s less easy under Linux so it’s worth documenting how this can be done with the current releases.

VirtualBox VM with Windows XP x64 Host and Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop x86 Guest (procedure should work for any Ubuntu 8.10 install).

  1. download and unarchive Aptana Studio Standalone for Linux (v.1.2)
  2. place the aptana folder under /usr/local/aptana

    sudo mv ./aptana/ /usr/local/

  3. install Java v.1.6

    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts

  4. install xulrunner 1.8.* with the Synaptic Package Manager
  5. save the following script as /usr/local/aptana/

    export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/xulrunner

  6. Make your script executable

    chmod +x

  7. download and unarchive the Aptana icons:
  8. move the aptana_icons folder to under the aptana folder
  9. create a desktop and/or panel launcher

    name: Aptana Studio
    command: browse to /usr/local/aptana/
    icon: use aptana48x48.png for the desktop launcher
    comment: web development

  10. click on launcher 🙂

Note: I didn’t need to install Firefox v.2. The current version of FF is 3.0.5.

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